Upcoming Litters

Leia's next litter expected around Fall 2024.

With the following in mind, please be patient if you are looking to get a Roki Yama Shiba. The health of the Shiba is the number one priority, not profit. The selection of parents takes time and effort. This ensures you end up with a Shiba without genetic issues. It is not the breeding goal to produce a lot of puppies and then find quality dogs in the lot. Rather the goal of Roki Yama Shiba is to produce quality puppies consistently with each litter. The quality is determined by the AKC Standard of the Shiba. Roki Yama Shiba breeds for temperament, you will not find better behaved Shibas. Roki Yama Shiba must maintain a small number of top dogs in the kennel to guarantee the best genetics. Roki Yama Shiba does not breed often, only having one or two litters a year. Roki Yama Shiba does all this so you can add a family member, or show your own AKC Shiba, and not just get a pet. 

These genetics are worth waiting for.